
Our Team

Our team is really what sets us apart. Each member of our team encapsulates Air Adventure’s passion to revolutionise the way people get to golf, putting the world’s best courses within easy reach.

In guaranteeing you will enjoy every part of your holiday, we have ensured all of our team are the very best in the business. We also have a dedicated Golf Manager who has his finger right on the pulse when it comes to – flights, tee times, accommodation, transfers and more.

John Dyer

Managing Director

John grew up in country Victoria where his first exposure to golf was out in the back paddock with his mum’s driver. From there a love of the game grew but not much has changed to his form. Flying has been a big part of John’s life since he was a boy, with many flights with his father around outback Australia. This led to John getting his own license and taking the reins at Air Adventure in 2006. He is passionate about enriching people’s lives by transforming the way they experience remote Australia, of which Tasmanian golf is a very important aspect of.

Jon Perrett

General Manager of Golf

Jon grew up in the golf industry with his father designing golf courses around the world with Peter Thomson. After starting his professional career in Collins St, Jon moved full time in to the golf industry in 2009. Since then, Jon has worked in various roles across the industry and began with Air Adventure in 2016 after taking a group of his clients to King Island with Air Adventure. He was blown away by how spectacular the courses were and wanted to help others experience such an amazing place. He has a great passion for golf and is also having a lot of fun introducing his 3 boys to the game.

Amber Pope

Operations Manager

Amber has an eagle eye for detail and makes sure every little thing is taken care of - she's our logistics queen! With stealth precision in planning nothing slips under the radar. From arranging detailed flight schedules, bookings, scheduling, accommodation and so much more. It's not surprising Amber has such a keen eye for organising travel given she has travelled to over 70 countries from the extremes of Everest Base Camp to the Arctic Circle and down to Antarctica. When she does have spare time you can find her riding horses or walking her pooch Dipper. Amber's favourite place to travel in Australia is Tassie with its scenery and great food.

Natalie Ford

Operations Assistant

Natalie joined our operations team with a skill for organisation. Having worked for many years as an E.A., organising people and logistics is “her thing.” Outside the office she loves spending time at the beach and she has a secret skill of being a wicked poker player. Her favourite place to holiday in Australia is Broome and the Daintree where she can wander amongst the beautiful scenery and explore the ancient rainforest.

Sam Gill

Accounts Manager

Sam keeps the wheels of finance perfectly tuned and is your go to for all questions relating to accounts. She handles the dollars and cents with finesse and fine detail given her vast finance background from the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Not surprisingly she also loves to travel, particularly to areas with warm, tropical waters so she can put her Scuba Dive Instructor skills to good use. She also loves spending time with her friends, family and their pets and exploring all the diverse areas Australia has to offer.

Alyson Dyer

Marketing Manager

Originally from Sydney, Alyson has always had a love of sport and travel. Having travelled the world extensively it has been a dream come true for her to be able to combine travel with her professional marketing skills.

Marilyn Higgins

Marketing Coordinator

Marilyn's passion for meeting new people and exploring new places provides endless inspiration when it comes to creative ways to tell a story and communicate with our community. Outside the office, Marilyn loves visiting the high country and bushwalking in the Grampians in Western Victoria.

Our Pilots

Aviation is an integral part of transforming the way that people get to golf. This is why experience matters so much to us.

 When flying high performance aircraft, skilled hands at the controls is extremely important. All pilots are highly skilled commercial captains, with vast amounts of remote operations experience, but on top of that they are also great blokes to be around and will ensure your dream golf trip becomes a reality (with smooth landings).

Nick de Lavaulx

Adventure Pilot

Nick has loved engines and machinery since he was a child, spending much of his youth on bikes and motorcycles. Naturally aircraft and flying were always of great interest, so he started flying hang gliders when he was just 17 and then went on to fly aeroplanes in his early 20's. He has gained a wide variety of flying experience since then, including spending 2 years living in Indonesia and flying twin otters in the mountains of West Papua. The places and environments he has flown have continued to feed and develop his enthusiasm for adventure. Aside from flying, he enjoys many outdoor activities, meditation and relaxing. Nick's favourite places to fly include the Australian north western coast and gulf of Carpentaria regions.

Jonathan Merridew

Chief Pilot

Jonathan is Armada Aviation's Chief Pilot and has a lifetime of aviation experience. His formative years were often spent flying with his parents around Australia in small single-engine aircraft so it was natural enough for him to do his Private Licence while at Uni. While working in finance he did his Commercial Licence and switched to "full-time" flying in 2004 in his family aviation business. He now has over 9,000hrs of charter flying across Australia, NZ, PNG and East Timor.

Greg Martin

Adventure Pilot

Greg is a highly experienced aviation professional with 25 years of experience across a range of industries - including flying all over Australia for the RFDS, bushfire surveillance and marine aerial spotting as well as general charter which have all provided him a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of operating in these environments. Throughout his career, Greg has demonstrated a deep commitment to professionalism and safety, always putting the needs of his passengers and colleagues first. Greg is now combining his passion for aviation and the outback. His favourite place to travel in outback Australia is to see the sun setting over Kata Tjuta (The Olgas).

Flying with Air Adventure Golf Tours can be as little as 90 mins from take-off to tee-off.

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